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Preventative Maintenance

Reduces the chance of engine fire by preventing gas or oil leakage in the engine compartment.

The perk is cumulative with the effects of Automatic Fire Extinguishers.

100% skill: -25% to engine fire chance

Smooth Ride

Improves accuracy when firing on the move.

The skill is not effective if the vehicle is stationary or rotating. The skill is cumulative with the effects provided by the equipment of the Vertical Stabilizer type, as well as Stabilizer Greasing or Gearbox Intricacy.

1% skill: -0.04% to accuracy penalty while moving
100% skill: -4% to accuracy penalty while moving

Clutch Braking

Increases vehicle traverse speed.

The skill is cumulative with the effects of Additional Grousers, Lend-Lease Oil, Quality Oil, Removed Speed Governor, 100-octane Gasoline, and 105-octane Gasoline.

1% skill: +0.05% to vehicle rotation speed
100% skill: +5% to vehicle rotation speed

Off-Road Driving

Reduces ground resistance when driving on soft and moderately soft terrain.

Lower ground resistance increases vehicle maneuverability and acceleration. The skill is cumulative with the effects of Additional Grousers.

1% skill: +0.1% to maneuverability and acceleration on soft terrain and +0.03% to maneuverability and acceleration on average terrain
100% skill: +10% to maneuverability and acceleration on soft terrain and +2.5% to maneuverability and acceleration on average terrain

Controlled Impact

Decreases ramming damage to your vehicle and increases ramming damage to an enemy vehicle.

The skill is effective only while your vehicle is in motion. The skill is ineffective when two allied vehicles collide.

1% skill: +0.15% to ram damage against enemy and -0.15% ram damage to your tank
100% skill: +15% to ram damage against enemy and -15% ram damage to your tank