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300 / 300 / 360Avg. damage
175 / 201 / 53Avg. pierce, mm
- / - / 1.91Splash radius, m
1 500 / 1 500 / 1 800Damage per minute
12.00Reload time, s
5.00Shots per minute, shots/min.
100Ammo quantity
0.49 / 0.49 / 0.46Fly time on 350 meters, s
150 / 150 / 150Module damage
1 060Durability
150 / 70 / 105Hull Armor (front/side/rear), mm
150 / 150 / 105Turret Armor (front/side/rear), мм
370View range, m
20%Engine fire starting chance
3.20Aim time, s
0.43Dispersion, m/100m
1.29Dispersion after shot, m/100m
1.24Max dispersion after turret rotation, m/100m
1.51Max dispersion after rotation, m/100m
2.78Max dispersion after movement, m/100m
-10° ... 20.00°Vertical angle limits (front)
-6.00° ... 20.00°Vertical angle limits (side)
-6.00° ... 20.00°Vertical angle limits (back)
18.00Gun hor traverse speed, °/s
21.88Gun vert traverse speed, °/s
5.40Still (camouflage net)
0.08Still, after shot
5.08Still, after shot (camouflage net)
0.20In movement
0.04In movement, after shot
150 360Tank weight, kg
150 500Weight limit, kg
1 100Power h.p.
7.3W/T ratio hp/t
29Max speed forward, km/h
10Max speed backward, km/h
16Traverse, °/s
1.20Hard terrain resistance
1.40Medium terrain resistance
1.90Soft terrain resistance
25Max climbing angle, °
300Signal range, m
4 845Min repair cost of destroyed tank
10 475Max repair cost of destroyed tank
6,7,8Battle levels
Modules hitpoints
200Fueltank hit-points
70Max fueltanks regen hit-points
220Ammo rack hit-points
150Max ammo rack regen hit-points
180Gun hitpoints
90Max regen gun hitpoints
90Triplex hitpoints
45Max regen triplex hitpoints
140Turret rotator hitpoints
70Max regen turret rotator hitpoints
320Engine hitpoints
160Max regen engine hitpoints
190Chassis hitpoints
145Max regen chassis hitpoints
60Radio hitpoints
36Max regen radio hitpoints
URL to current tank config:
Gun: 10 cm Cannon Type 92
10 cm Cannon Type 92
15 cm Howitzer Type 96
5 rnd/min; Damage: 300/300/360
Pierce: 175/201/53
Turret: O-I
Armor: 150/150/105; Rotation speed: 18°/sec.
Vision radius: 370 m.
Engine: 2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 (550)
2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 (550)
2x Kawasaki Type 98 V-12 (600)
Power: 1100hp.; T/W ratio: 7.3hp/t.
Fire starting chance: 20
Chassis: O-I
O-I Kai
Rotation speed: 16°/sec.
Max load: 150500 kg.
Radio: Type 94 Mk. 4 Otsu
Type 94 Mk. 4 Otsu
Type 94 Mk. 4 Hei
Type 96 Mk. 4 Bo
Radio distance: 300 m.