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Loza's M4-A2 Sherman
Firepower | |
115 / 115 / 185 | Avg. damage |
128 / 177 / 38 | Avg. pierce, mm |
- / - / 1.09 | Splash radius, m |
2 091 / 2 091 / 3 364 | Damage per minute |
3.30 | Reload time, s |
18.18 | Shots per minute, shots/min. |
71 | Ammo quantity |
0.44 / 0.35 / 0.44 | Fly time on 350 meters, s |
105 / 105 / 105 | Module damage |
Surviability | |
840 | Durability |
64 / 38 / 38 | Hull Armor (front/side/rear), mm |
64 / 64 / 64 | Turret Armor (front/side/rear), мм |
370 | View range, m |
15% | Engine fire starting chance |
Accuracy | |
2.30 | Aim time, s |
0.40 | Dispersion, m/100m |
1.40 | Dispersion after shot, m/100m |
1.82 | Max dispersion after turret rotation, m/100m |
3.34 | Max dispersion after rotation, m/100m |
3.91 | Max dispersion after movement, m/100m |
-10.00° ... 25.00° | Vertical angle limits |
38.00 | Gun hor traverse speed, °/s |
40.25 | Gun vert traverse speed, °/s |
Invisibility | |
19.90 | Still |
29.90 | Still (camouflage net) |
4.92 | Still, after shot |
14.92 | Still, after shot (camouflage net) |
14.90 | In movement |
3.68 | In movement, after shot |
Movement | |
34 100 | Tank weight, kg |
38 000 | Weight limit, kg |
410 | Power h.p. |
12 | W/T ratio hp/t |
51 | Max speed forward, km/h |
18 | Max speed backward, km/h |
44 | Traverse, °/s |
0.90 | Hard terrain resistance |
1.00 | Medium terrain resistance |
1.50 | Soft terrain resistance |
25 | Max climbing angle, ° |
Misc | |
450 | Signal range, m |
3 000 | Min repair cost of destroyed tank |
5 728 | Max repair cost of destroyed tank |
6,7,8 | Battle levels |
Modules hitpoints | |
150 | Fueltank hit-points |
60 | Max fueltanks regen hit-points |
180 | Ammo rack hit-points |
120 | Max ammo rack regen hit-points |
130 | Gun hitpoints |
65 | Max regen gun hitpoints |
80 | Triplex hitpoints |
40 | Max regen triplex hitpoints |
120 | Turret rotator hitpoints |
60 | Max regen turret rotator hitpoints |
176 | Engine hitpoints |
100 | Max regen engine hitpoints |
120 | Chassis hitpoints |
90 | Max regen chassis hitpoints |
120 | Radio hitpoints |
72 | Max regen radio hitpoints |
URL to current tank config:
Gun: 76 mm M1A2 gun
18.18 rnd/min; Damage: 115/115/185
Pierce: 128/177/38
Pierce: 128/177/38
Turret: Loza's M4-A2 Sherman
Armor: 64/64/64; Rotation speed: 38°/sec.
Vision radius: 370 m.
Vision radius: 370 m.
Engine: GMC 6046
Power: 410hp.; T/W ratio: 12hp/t.
Fire starting chance: 15
Fire starting chance: 15
Chassis: Loza's M4-A2 Sherman
Rotation speed: 44°/sec.
Max load: 38000 kg.
Max load: 38000 kg.
Radio: No.19 Mark II
Radio distance: 450 m.